Friday, October 26, 2012

My review of Square / SquareUp

So, some while ago, I downloaded a copy of the Square payment application for my android phone. For those unfamiliar with it, it's a small credit card payment app for your Apple or Android smart phone.  Home page is here:   I should note that Intuit also has a competing product.

The basics of it is that you set up an account with Square, you link it to a bank account, and you accept payments via your phone.  They send you a little card reader plugin that is supposed to plug into your smart phone's microphone/headset jack, but you can also manually enter a credit card number, which is fortunate.

With the default account, they charge a small per transaction fee, I think 2.75%.  Less than traditional credit cards, but they limit how much per week you can process.

I generally like it - my only complaint is that I've never gotten the funky card reader to operate, and have always had to manually key in the credit card numbers.  I've tried this with 3 different card reader widgets (two from Square, and one I bought at Radio Shack), and on three different android devices: my HTC Evo 4G, my wife's HTC Evo Slide, and a hacked Nook Color tablet running CyanogenMod.   This is doubly a bummer, 'cause Square charges you an extra 1/4% on manually entered card numbers.

Nonetheless, give it a try.  It's a nifty tool.

-- Pat

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